Daylight Saving Time Safety Tips for Businesses and Your Customers

Whether we spring forward or fall back, Daylight Saving Time is an excellent semi-annual reminder to take care of maintenance tasks around your business or place of work.

As we prepare to spring ahead and as our schedules get adjusted accordingly, there are safety precautions that can be taken to help keep your business, its employees, and your customers safe as you make the most of the longer days and warmer weather so the only thing you need to worry about this spring and summer is soaking up some sun.

  1. Did somebody say spring cleaning? Take advantage of the extra hour of daylight and get your business in tip-top shape. Not sure which areas to focus on? Try these:
    • Your common fridge needs a thorough cleaning twice a year to run efficiently. Toss expired items, handwash drawers and shelves with dish soap, wipe down the interiors with vinegar, and defrost your freezer!
    • Go through pantry items. If your canned goods aren’t expired but you know you don’t need that fourth can of kidney beans anyway, start a mini can drive and donate to your local food pantry!
  2. Change your batteries! Many smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors require batteries that need to be changed once or twice a year. Getting into the habit of changing them semi-regularly can ensure you aren’t caught running around the building digging through every drawer to find a battery to make that incessant beeping stop.
  3. Check your fire extinguisher. As an important part of any safety plan, make sure your fire extinguishers are charged and operational. And if you don’t own one, now is a great time to get one and store it somewhere easily accessible yet out of the way.
  4. Refresh and rejuvenate your business’s exterior. Winter weather can wear down the outside of buildings and facades while we’re bundled up inside. Once it’s finally warm enough to venture outdoors, some of these could use some love:
    • Check your roof for signs of damaged or missing shingles/tiles
    • Clean and inspect your gutters and downspouts
    • Inspect your exterior paint and refinish if necessary
    • Take a look at your concrete, pavers, asphalt, steps, and driveways to see if repairs are needed
  5. Encourage your employees to adjust their sleep schedules at least a week in advance. Setting our clocks an hour forward means we’re likely to lose an hour of sleep on top of the existing sleep deprivation many Americans already face. This leads to drowsy driving, which can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. To avoid accidents once Daylight Saving Time goes into effect, encourage your staff to go to bed an hour earlier than normal for a week in advance to help them cope with the change slowly instead of forcing themselves to adjust immediately.
  6. Making this change is easier said than done so here are some tips for better sleep overall:

    • Reduce caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol intake throughout the day and especially before bed
    • Avoid screens at least an hour before bed
    • Build a sleep-inducing environment by keeping the bedroom cool and dark
    • Have a warm, soothing drink such as herbal tea or milk

By following these key steps and maintaining proper insurance coverage, you can leverage Daylight Saving Time to your advantage to make the best of the warmer weather and longer days.

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